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João Anes

Software Engineer

9 years experience in product vision implementation, software engineering, client and end-user management, process refinement, technical leadership and incident response

Computers are hard. Let me make them slightly easier for you to deal with.
Effective communicator, full-stack integrator, vision-focused and customer-oriented leader, with a feather touch.Firm believer in strong teams that own their features.
Looking for staff, senior development and/or product-oriented roles.
Relevant skills

(please select a skill from the nearby panel).
Tech Lead (current)
Porto, PT / London, UK
Led project teams in implementing entirely novel solutions while adapting to market-fit. Managed product releases and headed development, while mentoring strong teams.
Lead Support Engineer
Porto, PT / Berlin, DE
Led engineering support team, bridging the operations, product and engineering team’s focuses on handling user-level issues. Introduced automation to operation teams.
Senior Software Engineer
Porto, PT / Berlin, DE
Helped build security-first KYC platform, with integration via OAuth and led time-scoped feature teams. Owned system-critical identity verification platform and improved support efficiency.
Software Engineer
Worked on multiple projects in areas such as VR, blockchain and education and delivered MVPs for a secure art trading platform and a mobile collectible card game. Acqui-hired by Fractal.
Lead Developer
Porto, PT
Led development team of next-gen performance and ease of use focused macOS email client with sophisticated features.
Masters in Informatics and Computing Engineering
Graduated 2014 with a curriculum that incentivizes self-learning and growth, gaining valuable self-learning and self-direction skills. 15.54 grade average.
Talks I like public speaking. Here's my best-recorded talks
React Natively
A talk I gave at a couple of conferences about React Native, a framework to build snappy mobile apps with webdev-like technology. Went over the pros and cons of the framework, and live-demoed the development of a simple app to show off developer experience and MVP tool potential.
Presentation link + Slides/info
A-Frame WebVR, aka "WebVR for people - even webdevs"
Talk presented in Pixels Camp 2016 and a couple of meetups, about a WebVR framework, A-Frame, its uses (both in technical and not technical terms) and its future. I also share the insights we gained from developing a VR game MVP internally at Life on Mars.
Presentation link + Slides/info
A Server from Scratch -- A Devops Primer
Workshop targetting entry-level devs and graduates, workshopping how the creation process of a webserver works via live demo and helping workshoppers personally. Used terraform and digital ocean to configure ~30 nodes and led workshoppers through the paces of installing a http server, a gitlab instance among other software.
Terraforming cloud cubed worlds - with one-liners and whimsy
A talk intended for the cancelled Pixels Camp v4 in 2020, in which we 'live demo' the creation of something tangible from scratch - a fully featured minecraft server/administration platform - with a bit of flair and terraform.
Tooling Tools I shouldn't ever work without

(please select a skill from the nearby panel).
Personal work I sometimes develop software for fun. Here's a couple of good examples.
Elixir-powered PWA to help Pokemon Go players find other players
AWS-hosted, terraform managed infra-as-code
Backend built with Elixir for scalability and developer experience
Queue-based matchmaking systems
Frontend managed and deployed with netlify
React frontend web app, with simplified routing
Heavy use of HTML5 notifications and service workers
Heavy use of websockets for communication
Clean backend separation of concerns, with http server and core services separated
Backend tests for both app server and core modules
Performant interactive frontend with inspired design and css animations
Frontend testing via storybooks testing all application states
No frontend logic testing
Forthcoming chat support
Needs a home and a community behind it
Personal 9gag-like content aggregator, with a focus on link rot prevention
AWS-hosted, terraform managed infra-as-code
Backend built with Elixir for scalability and developer experience
GraphQL-based API with mutations for interactibility
SQS-based queues for post submission, categorization, tagging and spider work
React frontend web app, optimized for media consumption and long-term storage
Emoji-based reactions and tight, controlled user interaction
Puppeteer-powered cost-effective scraping of multiple websites via AWS Lambda
Heavy use of Node.js for scraping functions
Module-based scraping system that allows for different websites to be scraped in multiple ways
S3-backed file backup for content preservation
Easy share links
Telegram-based authentication via Telegram bot interaction
Future focus on enabling content bots
Barely any testing of core features
Frankly confusing scraper backend modularization
4-year development cruft and bad decision-making
Currently on its fourth rewrite!
This website!
Svelte-based personal website
Svelte-powered SPA
Code-splitting (the code for the fancy background is 70% of the package so)
100/100/100 Lighthouse score
Fancy backgrounds enabled by three.js and WebGL
Mobile support via grid system
Static svelte site - which means it loads in <0.5 seconds
Internationalization support
Design inspired on existing CV design, adapted to mobile
WebGL detection and custom shader background animation
Entire text content stored in a single json file, allowing easy republishes
Svelte isn't nearly as nice as React and I kind of don't like it
CSS mix of component-scoped classes and a home-rolled tailwind-like class system
No tests due to lack of imagination
Uses sapper for static generation - but I'm sure I'm using it wrong
I'm sure a Svelte dev can look at the code and guess my code heritage
Interests Things I'm personally keeping tabs on (in no specific order)
Full-stack development
Online community cultures
Concurrency management
Engineering Code Standards
ML-powered code creation and analysis
Performance analysis
Web frontend frameworks
Mentoring in software
AI (in the "classic" 198ies sense)
Team management
Culture sharing
Media preservation
Fusion food
ML-powered full-stack content creation
Event based architectures
(useful) Agile methodologies
Type systems
Product vision workmapping
Release Planning and Management
User metrics research